Professor Jelle Atema – Boston University, USA – sensory biology and behaviour of presettlement reef fishes
Professor Andrew S. Brierley, – University of St Andrews, Scotland – the impact of global warming on marine ecosystems

Dr Margarita Brandt – University of San Francisco, Quito, Ecuador – Connectivity of reef based populations

Dr Chris Bunt, Canada –  Biotactic Consultancy – acoustic tagging of reef fishes
Professor Bruce Fouke – Roy J. Carver Biotechnology Center, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA – carbonate rocks and the deposition of carbonates in biological structures
Professor Gabi Gerlach –  University of Oldenberg, Germany –  sensory biology and population genetics
Professor Bronwyn Gillanders –  University of Adelaide, Australia –  elemental chemistry and reef fish ecology
Professor Malcolm McCulloch –  University of Western Australia – coral reefs and climate change
David Welch, Cairns, Australia –  Consultancy C20 –  growth of fish
Dr Ben Walther –  Texas A&M, Corpus Christi, USA  – elemental chemistry in corals and fishes

Professor Eric Wolanski  – Adjunct member of staff with James Cook University – oceanography and biophysical modelling